Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Currently wearing an old lady night gown with one gnarly cold sore!

Reading: Fifty Shades Darker. I am still not sure my feelings on this trilogy. I think those around me hyped it up way too much. It is readable though so I will stick it out!

Watching: 24 Season Two. They had lost it at the library but finally found it. I waited too long to get my hands on it, I hope it is as good as season one!!

Thinking about: Going to bed soon. I am tres sleepy tonight!

Anticipating: A secret I am not allowed to share yet! Hopefully soon though :).

Listening to: So much Eminem and Lil Wayne. I tend to go through a hip hop phase in the summer. Plus it is great music to run too!

Eating: Nothing at the moment but lately I have been eating lots of fruits and veggies! And eggs.

Drinking: Red wine.

Working on: Finding a new job. The hunt is a very difficult one!

Wishing: For a certain someone to get their phone back, text and finally not be too busy to hangout. . .
Jack Berger once said "he's just not that into you" maybe I should listen to his advice! but then again he did break up with Carrie on a post it!

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